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Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'll Vote For The Supremes

The Presidential race. Yawn... I'm uninspired.

Both candidates are inspirational in their own way, but neither one does it for me.

I'm definitely opposed to Obama's stance on abortion. I've read about his opposition to the Illinois version of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. It was cold and political, the typical liberal reflexive opposition to placing any limits on abortion.

I read McCain's voting record and views on abortion as well. He's more than a little wobbly, no firm conviction that abortion is wrong.

I'll be voting for someone for president. Economic and free speech issues matter to me as well. But nothing comes close to touching the importance I place on ending the tragedy of abortion in our country.

I'll vote for the candidate most likely to appoint "moderate" judges to the Supreme Court (I know neither one will appoint "conservative"-leaning judges).

Whoever becomes President may harm the country for a few years or so, but whoever they appoint to the court could potentially harm our country for decades and more to come. The Supremes - the judges who sit on the highest court in the land have great power and influence.

So I'm casting my vote for the Supremes.

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