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Monday, August 4, 2008

That's My Boy

One of the most surprising announcements I've ever heard came during a level two fetal ultrasound nearly two years ago. The doctor said, "It's a boy!" and Melody and I just looked at each other open-mouthed. We were shocked. After five years with our sweet little daughter, we were pretty sure our second child would be a girl, too.

Now our son is sixteen months old. The Lord spoke several things to me about my boy while Melody was pregnant. He will have "beautiful faith". He will be "a generous man". And "he will have a spirit of adventure for the glory of God".

That last one we can already see. He's all boy, as they say. He is constantly climbing. Turn your back for a moment and he's up on the kitchen table. Set something out of his reach and he will push a chair up beside it and start climbing and stretching until he either gets what he's after or tumbles to the ground. He's constantly on the move, shouting and clapping his hands with a huge smile on his face.

This boy - this boy I love so much - is a live wire, a bundle of pure energy.

And he is a true blessing. Thank You, Lord.

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