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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Attention Bloggers!

Just some random stuff here:

My wife asks me to send the following:
"Attention Bloggers: Start Blogging!"
She says the bloggers she usually follows have not been blogging enough lately.

Facebook: I for one like the new look of Facebook. For the last couple of weeks I've really been enjoying re-connecting with old friends there. I've mentioned to a couple of people that it's like a taste of heaven, this reunion of friends online. Last week we heard from a dear friend from twenty years ago or so - Melody's old college roommate. Turns out we live just twenty minutes or so apart now. Melody plans to visit her soon. We also reconnected with a former pastor and friend from seven years ago. In each case I figured we wouldn't be seeing these people again this side of heaven. What a blessing!

After a dry spell musically, I have some exciting upcoming events. We're going to Sneed's Ferry at the end of this month and I'll be leading worship at David and Patty Browne's church (Sept. 28th). The next month I'll be leading worship one Sunday at Ben and Heather Cotton's church in Kernersville (October 19th). Any blog readers of mine who come to either of these events will be placed in a random drawing for two of my guitar picks and one broken guitar string.

I was also semi-offered a Sunday night service in November at a church in Siler City. The pastor (an old friend of mine) e-mailed me back, though, and said he wanted someone "more youth oriented" for that weekend.

"More youth oriented..." I just about wanted to throw my dentures at that pastor. Unfortunately, my arthritic fingers couldn't pull them out of my mouth quickly enough. Next time I see him, I'm throwing my walker at that young whipper-snapper!

Anyway, in December Melody and I are doing a Christmas concert at a church called - and I'm not making this up - "Barbecue Presbyterian Church". I'm looking forward to this concert. The only down side is that they've requested that I sing "Mary Did You Know". Yuk. I'd rather do something more youth oriented.

Finally, I did something the other night that brought to mind the thrill I felt as a younger man when I made a touchdown playing football with the guys in the neighborhood, or the time I made a flying, between the legs catch playing softball in college. When I did this thing I felt like jumping up and down and pumping my fists in the air. I wanted to shout in triumph!

My almost 18 month old son had a soaking wet diaper at about 10:00 at night and his crib sheets were soaked. Melody was busy on the computer and couldn't come help me. Well, I single handedly changed the crib sheet, the diaper and the PJ's on my son very quickly and efficiently. I barely had to lift him up. He hardly fussed at all and barely opened his eyes. He was back asleep instantly! I was so excited. I rushed downstairs to tell Melody.

"Pure Parenting Perfection!", I proclaimed.

Can any dads relate here?

I thought so.


Jan said...

Ninja diaper changing, way to go. I like your comment, "Melody was busy on the computer and couldn't help me out." See, she just knew that you could do it! Isn't she wonderful? :)

While you are planning your tour, why don't you make it international and come on South of the Border?

Chip said...

I'll start learning some Spanish chords tonight.

If we make this tour international, though, we'll have to send all the tour t-shirts back and add "Jan and Greg's Place" to the event list we put on the back next to the picture of me playing a flaming guitar.

I'll call the tour manager, Reuban Kincaid, and see what he says.
(now I wonder if you're old enough to catch that last joke?)

ded said...

as far as bloggers not blogging, I'm doing the best I can!!