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Friday, December 26, 2008

Backyard Firepit

My sister-in-law gave me one of those outdoor firepits for Christmas and I can't wait to put it together and try it out. Specifically, I want a cold night, a blazing fire, and a good bench to sit on in front of the fire while I play my old guitar. Better yet, I'd like a handful of friends to sit around the fire and sing with me.

Thinking along those lines, I pulled out an old recording of Melody and myself with a group of friends and two guitars singing a laid back tune we called "The Friendly Medley". The group was called "Crystal Spring Mountain" and we were all college friends who were part of the Baptist Student Union at Appalachian State University in 1982. This recording is of us singing at a youth retreat, but I can easily imagine us singing it around a campfire.

There's some missed notes, wrong words, and occasional weak harmonies - but it's a good memory Melody and I share of sweet times with great friends. The singers are Rick, Jack, Margie, Heather, Melody and me - 26 years ago.

(Facebook readers will have to go to my blog to hear the audio. The link is below).

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